An accessible dropdown and context menu that is used to display a list of actions or options that a user can choose.
An accessible dropdown and context menu that is used to display a list of actions or options that a user can choose.
Prop | Type | Default |
anchorPoint | Point | |
aria-label | string | |
closeOnSelect | boolean | |
dir | 'ltr' | 'rtl' | |
getRootNode | () => ShadowRoot | Node | Document | |
highlightedId | string | |
id | string | |
ids | Partial<{
trigger: string
contextTrigger: string
content: string
label(id: string): string
group(id: string): string
positioner: string
arrow: string
}> | |
isOpen | boolean | |
loop | boolean | |
onFocusOutside | (event: FocusOutsideEvent) => void | |
onInteractOutside | (event: InteractOutsideEvent) => void | |
onOpenChange | (details: OpenChangeDetails) => void | |
onPointerDownOutside | (event: PointerDownOutsideEvent) => void | |
onSelect | (details: SelectionDetails) => void | |
onValueChange | (details: ValueChangeDetails) => void | |
positioning | PositioningOptions | |
value | Record<string, string | string[]> |
Prop | Type | Default |
id | string | |
asChild | boolean | |
closeOnSelect | boolean | |
disabled | boolean | |
valueText | string |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean | |
lazyMount | boolean | |
onExitComplete | () => void | |
present | boolean | |
unmountOnExit | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
id | string | |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
name | string | |
type | 'checkbox' | 'radio' | |
value | string | |
asChild | boolean | |
closeOnSelect | boolean | |
disabled | boolean | |
id | string | |
onCheckedChange | (checked: boolean) => void | |
valueText | string |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
asChild | boolean |
Prop | Type | Default |
htmlFor | string | |
asChild | boolean |